The Five Wisdoms Institute
The Five Wisdoms system is an in-depth psycho- spiritual understanding of human dynamics: personality, emotions, and relationships. It is an approach to fostering personal authenticity, skillful communication, creative thinking, and effective action. In discovering your mix of colors you come to know and appreciate the unique gifts of your personality which point you toward your life purpose and a life full of creativity and passion.

Ri-mé Society
The Ri-mé (Non-Sectarian) spirit represents a great emphasis on direct meditative experience and realization combined with deep intellectual understanding and insight, and an openness not constrained by sectarian bias. Ri-mé Society provides talks, seminars, classes, and group practices for those seeking an introduction to the Buddhist teachings as well as for experienced practitioners. Our classes and practices span across the diverse field of teachers, practices, and teachings of Vajrayana Buddhism.

Open Sky
Inspired by the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Open Sky Meditation Community, LLC is an inclusive community; welcoming all faiths and traditions in the practices of mindfulness, contemplation, buddhism, and social engagement in order to support a society based in wisdom and compassion. Open Sky invites teachers from a diverse range of experiences and backgrounds to present and lead a variety of classes.

Karma Changchub Ling
Karma Changchub Ling is an expression of our devotion to the growth and deepening of the practices and teachings of the Karma Kagyü lineage together with its ties to the Nyingma lineage. We will continually seek and follow the spiritual guidance of our spiritual advisors and follow the lines established by the V.V. Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and the V.V. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche.

Westchester Meditation Center
Formed in 2009 as the Westchester Buddhist Center (WBC), but now the Westchester Meditation Center (WMC), our organization represents the teachings and meditation practices as transmitted by Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche to friends and neighbors in Westchester County, New York.

The Profound Treasury Retreat
A unique aspect of The Profound Treasury Retreat is that we use the approach Trunpga Rinpoche took in his own Vajradathu seminaries adapted for contemporary retreat environment. The content of those seminaries led to the creation of The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma volumes which are the basis for the Profound Treasury Retreat focus of study.

Rime Shedra
Rime Shedra makes accessible a vast treasure of Buddhist wisdom to those who wish to further understand the profound principles presented in advanced Buddhist texts. For practitioners and scholars alike, this Shedra provides an opportunity to strengthen personal wakefulness and gain confidence in understanding the nature of reality.

Nalanda Translation Committee
The Nalanda Translation Committee, founded in 1975 by the Vidyadhara, Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, creates fresh and authentic English translations of Tibetan practice texts, commentaries and a variety of genres of Tibetan Buddhist literature, including biographies, songs of realization, philosophy, and culture. We publish texts with a high standard of quality, assist with their transmission through teaching activities and help with the performance of Buddhist and Shambhala ceremonies.

Dharma Moon
Dharma Moon Is A Mindfulness-Based Education Platform & Global Community. At Dharma Moon, we believe that creative expression, spiritual development and mastery of everyday life have equal weight.In support of this view, we bring to life the processes presented in Creativity, Spirituality & Making a Buck through an ecosystem of personal and group training programs, business and cultural incubation services, and a networked creative community, in order to help people create a vision for their lives, make it happen, and appreciate the journey.